Advent, Waiting, Devon Nunes, and the IG Report

Advent season is, among other things, a lesson in patient waiting. As we wait for Christmas day, we remember the waiting of the world for the coming of the savior and His joy. We train ourselves to wait patiently, an integral part of the life of faith.
Two years ago, Devon Nunes was the Republican chair of the House Intelligence Committee. After weeks of investigations and hearings, he issued a report on how the government handled the investigation of Donald Trump. His report was immediately jeered and ridiculed by Democrats and the mainstream media. Adam Schiff issued a counter report, saying that Nunes was totally wrong. Nunes was subjected to mocking and reproach.
The release of the IG report this week was a near total vindication of Nunes. The coming more comprehensive Durham report will in all likelihood complete Nunes’ vindication. At the same time, the falsity and shamefulness of Schiff’s report and his lies about Nunes are now obvious.
Here in Oregon, we wait for the demise of progressive socialist rule and its threats to our liberty. We groan under the burden of heavy taxation and government intrusion into our workplace and families. This Advent season we would do well to remember Longfellow’s famous quote: “Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding fine. Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.” And take heart in the words of Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not yet see.”
Have a great Advent season and Christmas! Rejoice in confidence!