Outrageously, Baby Born Alive During Abortion Bill Dies In Oregon Senate

The Oregon Senate hit a new low this week. Oregon currently has zero protections for a baby born alive during an abortion procedure. SB 1523 would have addressed this critical issue of life and death. And yet State Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson as Chair of the Health Care committee, refused to even hold a hearing on the bill. This in spite of a strong grassroots effort calling for a hearing. She represents Senate District 25 which includes Gresham. She was reelected to the Oregon Senate in 2016 with just 55% of the vote. Anyone who voted for her should be outraged. This seat will be a priority in November’s election.
Details of the bill from Oregon Right to Life
“SB 1523 requires abortion providers to exercise a proper degree of care to preserve the health and life of a baby born alive during or after an abortion. The bill also requires that a baby born during an abortion procedure be immediately transported and admitted to a hospital for care.”
This is Unconscionable! We cannot, and will NOT allow these senseless murders to continue. Bring it to a vote, or we are coming for your position. You have a chance to change your heart!