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Democrats Attack…Democracy?!?!

On August 9th, Governor Roberts signed into law SB 761. It severely restricts the use of so-called “e-sheets.” These are initiative, referral, or recall petitions that can be filled out by a single voter and then sent in. It has been in use for ten years and has a much higher rate of authentication than multi-signer petition sheets. It is particularly helpful for the elderly and those in rural Oregon. The new law takes effect next year, so the current recall effort of Gov. Brown can include the distribution of copied e-sheets to interested parties. This practice will end in 2020.

So why restrict it? Writing about SB 761, The Oregonian said:

“Politics is rarely pure and simple. Senate Bill 761, however, is an exception. It is purely and simply an attempt to hobble Oregon’s vaunted initiative process.”

The initiative and referral processes are highly democratic. They allow citizens to refer bills passed in Oregon to a vote of the people, and also initiate changes to law. SB761 would make it harder for shut-ins and seniors to engage in the democratic process.

At a public hearing on the bill, there were only three people supporting the anti-democratic bill – all union lobbyists, including the Oregon Education Association, arch-rivals of liberty.

Opposing the bill were some strange bedfellows – the liberal ACLU and League of Women Voters as well as various conservatives. Also in opposition was the Oregon Secretary of State, her assistant, and the head of the Elections Division. They provided statistics showing single signer sheets are authenticated at a much higher rate than the other options. It is, thus, less prone to fraud and misuse.

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the House and Senate, the last thing they want is interference by us citizens. Now that they are in control, they don’t give a tinker’s dam about democracy. They just want unhindered power. It’s clear. They are more interested in grabbing your money and liberty than in democracy. Shame on them!


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