Save this very important date! January 22, 6-8 PM at PSU’s Smith Memorial Union Browsing Lounge
Dr. Mary Grabar will be talking about her book “Debunking Howard Zinn.”
Zinn, a Marxist radical, wrote “A People’s History of the United States” which has been used to indoctrinate and radicalize students for years. It is now the guiding book behind the New York Times 1619 educational project. That project declares 1619, not 1776, to be the birth of America, rooting it in slavery. The goal is nothing short of revolution, and a reversal of liberty.
For more on Zinn and the coming Presidential election, see the article “Channeling Howard Zinn” in American Greatness.
Grabar will equip students, parents, teachers, public officials, and liberty advocates to fight back. We hope to see you there!