There are certainly many good teachers in Oregon. But earlier this year, thousands of Oregon teachers used their positions of trust to politicize their students and classrooms. They acted as raw union politicians, masquerading a bailout of PERS and an attack on liberty as just trying to help the kids. To those who have eyes to see, the RedforEd actions turned a school day into a propaganda day and whipped up attitudes destructive to the Common Good.
The highlight of the Salem rally was a speech
by Lily Eskelsen García. She’s President of the NEA, National Education
Association, the teachers’ union. Oregon’s walkout is just the latest of a
series of such actions across the country, planned in early 2018 by the
Here’s how she “helped” the
kids with her speech:
1. She “helped” the kids by inciting them to envy, attacking
Betsy DeVos for being a billionaire. Envy is one of the most destructive forces
to a culture.
2. She “helped” the kids by encouraging class warfare, through the typical
Marxist technique of attacking the rich, while bemoaning the state of the poor
3. She “helped” the kids be ultra-partisan, attacking Oregon Republicans as bad
people, not wanting to fund schools. This is a straight out lie and is
disgusting. Their concerns were with a business sales tax and throwing more
money at the black hole that is PERS, not school funding, as she and the
teachers well know. So, teachers are teaching students it’s good to lie when it
serves partisan purposes.
4. And speaking of lies, she “helped” kids by lying to them and encouraging
them to lie to others. For instance, she said Oregon school funding is being
cut every year in Oregon, when actual spending on schools has gone up 40% over
the past 6 years. And her party, the Dems, have overseen school spending in
this state for decades.
She promoted envy, class warfare, ultra-partisanship, and lies. We would think a self-respecting teacher trying to actually help kids would protest the actions of the union. Those actions hurt kids.