What Greta Says the Real Goal of Climate Change Activism Is

“Why We Strike Again” is a Nov. 29 Editorial by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, and Angela Valenzuela. Greta, of course, is the iconic Swedish poster child for the Green New Deal but on an international scale. We are told we must listen to her, so let’s listen to what she says in this recent op-ed.
Greta says “After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all.”
Dismantle them all. “Colonial, racist, and patriarchal” are pejorative code words for western civilization itself. This is the same old Marxist and utopian revolutionary rhetoric, but dressed up as fighting climate change. These are not just “no growthers” but dismantlers.
It’s the same old story of an elite tyrannical central authority, demanding that we all do what THEY say. Destructive revolution is in the air, no matter what sort of lipstick they put on this pig, and no matter how often fake news tells us the sky is falling. Lovers of liberty will not be fooled. We will fight and fight hard for liberty in the marketplace. This is what Greta seeks to destroy, and with it, the very engine that has in our lifetime raised most of the world out of poverty and resulted in plummeting childhood mortality rates.
Love your neighbor. Embrace liberty in market transactions. Resist tyranny in all its disguises. And thus continue the blessings of liberty for the world.