Keep Rep. Walden’s Seat Solidly Conservative

Rep. Greg Walden, twenty year Republican Representative for Oregon’s 2nd congressional district, recently announced his retirement. Greg has been a strong advocate for liberty in the U.S. House, and a friend of the Parents Education Association. We are very grateful for his years of service in advancing liberty. He has been a regular speaker at our annual Freedom Rally, and has publicly expressed his support for our work.
His seat will very likely stay in Republican hands. But we want to work hard to make sure a strong liberty advocate wins the primary next spring. Knute Buehler has expressed interest in the seat. But Knute, while a good man, proved himself to be a kind of Kate Brown light candidate in his race for Governor last year.
Please consider helping us fight for liberty in this election. We are a political action committee and will be involved in the race. Single taxpayers (with an adjusted gross income up to $100,000) can give up to $50 in 2019 and joint filers (with an adjusted gross income of up to $200,000) can give up to $100. The result is a dollar for dollar tax credit when you file your state tax return next year, meaning it costs you nothing! And please pray that God moves the heart of a great liberty loving replacement for Greg!