We know that’s a strong statement. But here’s what ODE’s Director Colt Gill said about the NY Times 1619 Project in his February newsletter: “I can’t recommend it highly enough.”
If you click on the embedded link in his newsletter, you are taken to the homepage of the 1619 Project. There you’ll find three summary statements of the Project. Here are two of them.
“Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true.”
“In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation.”
These are outrageous statements.
First, it is the very ideals of our founding that provided the underpinnings that have moved us inexorably to a fuller and fuller experience of them.
Second, over 360,000 northern soldiers, the great majority of whom were white, died to end slavery.
Third, far from being brutal, American capitalism is largely responsible for the world-wide growth in prosperity and health the likes of which the world has never seen.
The 1619 Project’s historically ridiculous claims have been roundly refuted. One of the best refutations is the National Association of Scholars 1620 Project, available here:
Why is acceptance of socialism on the rise among the young? Why is a proper patriotism on the decline? Why are race relations being severely strained? Why is the free market under increasing attack? Educators like Gill are pushing the false and subversive message of the 1619 Project into Oregon’s schools. Why is Director Gill advising the entire public education system to teach a history designed to undermine our nation. He should be ashamed. No, he should promptly resign.