‘I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15
“The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” Romans 16:20
We give thanks this season for the advent of Jesus Christ who defeated Satan by His faith, obedience, death, resurrection, and ascension. Paul makes clear to the church, however, that there remains a mopping up operation for us. The advancement of liberty requires the defeat of evil powers that continue to strike at our liberty in Christ. This year the battle to throttle freedom and establish tyranny has come clearly into focus. It is now essential to join the battle, and to work hard to Advance Liberty.
Satan’s attack is focused on seed, offspring, children. This has become obvious in our State and Nation. Our foes want our children to be weakened through sexual sin, to be divided by race and fear, and to despise America, the shining city on a hill that has provided liberty and human flourishing, both here and around the world. The opposition holds some important ground. But as Caleb said in Numbers 13:30 “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
We believe that you want to share in the victory that lies ahead over these dark powers. Advance Liberty articulates a distinctively Christian voice through our Biblical Ballot Measure Voters Guide, our support of pro-liberty candidates, and promoting Christian public policy messaging.
But we need your help! Please use your Oregon political action tax credit, and encourage your friends and relatives to do so as well. Sadly, most Christians do not use this wonderful gift from God. Oregon taxpayers can give up to $50 per year ($100 for joint- filing couples) to a Political Action Committee and receive the full amount as a credit on your Oregon state taxes when you file, using either long or short form. It literally costs you nothing, whether you itemize or not. It’s not a deduction, but a dollar for dollar credit. But you must use this credit by the end of December. You can’t keep that money. Those dollars will either go to the state working to restrict your liberty, or to those fighting for your freedom. So, please send this part of your taxes to Advance Liberty.
To donate online, go to AdvanceLiberty.us/support/ and be sure to sign up for our newsletter!
Join us in battle. The victory is assured through the grace of Christ!
Dennis R. Tuuri
Executive Director
Advance Liberty
(Formerly Parents Education Association)